Bio Dynamic Technologies

Customer Service

At Bio Dynamics, we understand that rehabilitation can be difficult for any patient, not only receiving just the right equipment for each individual case, but, also the frustration and confusion patients and physicians experience dealing with insurance companies and their regulations.

That’s why for the last thirty years we worked hard to eliminate the hurdles most patients face when attempting to find and use the rehabilitation equipment best suited for every patient’s situation.

Our priority is to provide every patient, on a case-by-case basis, with the best possible opportunity for a successful recovery with state-of-the-art equipment, especially designed to insure that each patient enjoy the full benefits of CPM therapy without having to leave the comfort of their of own home.

We believe that the Bio Dynamics system can also assist with every patient’s ability to avoid post-operative and post-traumatic complications, such as, joint stiffness, muscle atrophy, edema and soft-tissue contractions.

But, we also know that the process of getting just the right equipment to each patient can be difficult and time consuming. That’s why right from the start we actively work with every physician and patient to speed along every part of the process and start every patient quickly on the road to recovery.