Bio Dynamic Technologies


What is osseointegration?

What is Osseointegration?

Osseointegration is the firm anchoring of a surgical implant (as in dentistry or in bone surgery) by the growth of bone around it without fibrous tissue formation at the interface. This can be done in the femur, tibia, humerus, radius/ulna & digits.

Components to Implant

Components to Implant

Two Approaches To Osseointegration Surgery

First is the original screw-fixation system, the Osseoanchored Prosthesis for rehabilitation of Amputees(OPRA) Implant System. Manufactured by Integrum AB In Molandal, Sweden.

only available with transfemoral amputees and is performed via a two stage technique with six months in between 1st and 2nd stage

(uses a hollow implant that takes longer for Osseointegration bone formation to fill cavity)

Second is the press fit implants that are manufactured by various countries like the Dutch and Aussies. This allows for immediate implant stability allowing earlier weight bearing activities. Performed on both AKA’s and BKA’s

(uses a solid core that is porous coated which allows for bone and structure to be one)


OPRA SYSTEM – screw fixation

1st stage

Implant Only

2nd stage

creating stoma and soft tissue rearrangement

Rehabilitation After Surgery


1st stage

2nd stage

Advantages of Osseointegration Over Traditional Prosthetic Limbs?

Disadvantages of Osseointegration Over Traditional Prosthetic Limbs?

From Physical Rehab Prospective

To manage soft tissue pain control

Main principles guiding press fit Osseointegration and optimizing rehab

From Physical Rehab Perspective

Why do we recommend bilateral assistive devices?

From Prosthetist Prospective

Regular servicing every 3 months should consist of checking

Frequently Asked Questions

The recommendation is that you don’t run, hop, skip for the 1st year. If you decide to do a impact after a year its at your own risk. There is not enough data to determine the capabilities do to it being so new.

Absolutely…..Salt water is recommended whether its a pool or the ocean. This actually helps with healing and there is less chances of getting an infection in a chlorinated pool. Once done swimming it is recommended that you wash the stoma site
It is different for every amputee. Depending on the level of amputation, the cause of amputation, bone quality, muscle/soft tissue and the integrity of the skin of the residual limb. These are all factors that need to be considered when planning the surgery that will influence cost. Many providers are willing to work with you and some insurances cover the cost. We can do the research for you and let you know.
One major operation to do the implant with a hospital stay of 2-3days. A second operation to possibly revise any soft tissue if needed, this is same day surgery and you go home.
With the OPRA(screw) system the goal is to be walking within 1yr of having 1st operation. With pressed fit approximately 6 weeks before you start to weight load the residual limb.
Yes, there are screws that need to be checked every 3-4 months to make sure they are not loose and to have an overall follow up to make sure everything is ok
  • Those who are having difficulty with traditional sockets.
  • Short, Wide, scarred, or painful.
  • Traumatic Amputation
  • Diabetic 
  • Vascular Disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Other Underlying Medical Conditions
The implant will last for many years as long as there are no complications. This is relatively new as the Swedes had only been doing this since the early 90’s. So we do not have a lot of history as of yet
  • Torsion Adapter
  • Shock Absorber
  • Compliant Prosthetic Foot
  • Microprocessor Knee

Questions on Osseointegration?

Contact our team and we can help!